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Maxime Noilou
Born in 1984, Paris
Nationality : french
Lives and work in Hamburg, Germany, since 2017

Studies :

2005-2011 : Studies and Master Degree (DNSAP) in painting Practice at l'Ecole Nationale Suprérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris / ENSBA, atelier Dominique Gauthier.

2003-2004 : general art studies at L'atelier de Sèvres, Paris

2002 : baccalauréat degree in economic and social obtained

1994-2002 : studies at le collège et lycée Victor Duruy, Paris

Art residencies :

August-October 2016 : Textílmiðstöð Íslands Kvennaskolin (textile art residency) - Blonduos - Iceland

October 2010 : IMC Development of the small and middle industry project (ceramic and carpets design) - Kairo,Tunis El-Fayoum and Louxor - Egypt

Collaborations :

2018-2019 : Sensai Cosmetics Paris and Zurich : personnalised paintings on customer's gift boxes

2017 : Guerlain Paris : textile samples

2012 : Maison Is Not Dead Paris : fashion - hand dyed textiles

2005-2011 : Bloom Magazine Paris : set decorator, model, photographer

2005-2011 : Assistant of designer and art director Nelson Sepulveda

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